This is the official website of Chaplains Fellowship of Nigeria Inc., Northeast Regional Command. We invite you to take some time and tour our site; know us better and be part of us and our activities.

to our world of compassion, love and care.

God bless you richly!

Archbishop Prof. & Dr. Mrs. A. L. Afilaka, Commandant-General/National President, Chaplains Fellowship of Nigeria Inc.

Chaplain Rev. Festus A. Ekenyere, 2nd Commandant-General, CFN Northeast Commandant 

 Chaplain Pastor Mrs. Gladys Ekenyere, 3rd Commandant-General, CFN Northeast Women    Director  




We are glad to introduce to you CHAPLAINS FELLOWSHIP OF NIGERIA INC., Northeast Regional Command, a religious non--governmental, non-denominational, non-profit making organisation which has since received the Federal Government of Nigeria approval and registration no RC 13004.

The idea of Chaplains Fellowship of Nigeria is informed by the urgency to address the support group need of the church in her quest to ensure that the full knowledge of God and His word permeate the society even as she strives to escape the strange hold of mutant aberrations that are threatening her effective operations and impairing her influence on the society. We are priests in military-like uniform combating the powers of the evil one.

The membership of this Fellowship is open to all commissioned and non-commissioned Chaplains from all Christian denominations and all military and paramilitary formations across the globe.

Northeast region of Nigeria is made up of six states namely - Borno, Yobe, Gombe, Bauchi, Taraba and Adamawa states. The major languages spoken in this region apart from english are Hausa and Fulfude. There are so many other tribes and dialets. Their major occupation are farming and trading. The Fulanis major in live stock farming. It is difficult to say the percentage of Muslims or Christians in this region because the 2003 census report was silent on this issue. But it is believed that the Muslims are the majority.

Educationally, it is said that the region is backward, Politically the region is not doing badly at all. Economically, the region is not all. We have a lot of people who live below poverty level.

The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is yet to be preached in some remote places of this region. There are still thousands of people in this region who have not heard about the name JESUS not to talk of experiencing His love and compassion.

One of the ways this can be extended to them is through the ministry of the Good Samaritan. That is exactly what CFN members in this region are trying to achieve by the grace of God.

We are concerned with the plight of the common man. We care for the less privileged in the rural areas, hospitals, babies home, prisons and rehabilitation centers. We preach the gospel in words and kind.

We have spent reasonable amount of money in reaching out to the helpless in this region especially in Borno State, the zonal headquarters of CFN. There are yet a lot to be done. It takes a willing heart and willing hand to reach out. We therefore appeal to you to help us in your prayers and giving financially so that we can extend the love of God to millions yet unreached.

God Almighty will bless you richly.





And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Romans 5:5






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