A center of excellence producing Chaplains with a balanced training is our supreme goal. We can challenge others by sharing our vision. Consider Nehemiah 2:18 - “Then I told them of the hand of my God which was good upon me; as also the king's words that he had spoken unto me. And they said, Let us rise up and build. So they strengthened their hands for this good work.” Spiritual renewal often begins with one person’s vision. Nehemiah had a vision and he shared it with enthusiasm, inspiring Jerusalem’s leaders to rebuild the walls.

We frequently underestimate people and don’t challenge them with our dreams for God’s work in the world. When God plants an idea in your mind to accomplish something for Him, share it with others and trust the Holy Spirit to impress them with similar thoughts. Don’t regard yourself as the only one through whom God is working. Often God uses one person to express the Vision and others to turn it unto reality. When you encourage and inspire others, you put teamwork into action to accomplish God’s goals.


Burdened with the ministry of the Good Samaritan, CFN Northeast Zonal Command is poised to :
1. Promote peaceful co-existence among the citizenry.
2. Reach out to the less privileged in our society –
i) The motherless babies
ii) The sick and afflicted in hospitals
iii) The prisoners and remind homes
iv) The victims of HIV/AIDS
v) The widows and orphans
vi) The victims of natural and man-made disasters, etc.
3. Be actively involved in voluntary communal self-help projects.
4. Show forth the love and compassion of Jesus Christ through physical and spiritual assistance to the needy.

So far in Borno State, we have successfully gone on advocacy visit to the Borno State Action Committee on Aids (BOSACA) where we submitted a proposal of CFN Intervention on HIV/AIDS Programs in Borno State Nigeria. Though no action has been taken on our proposal, we are trusting God for the finances to implement everything we proposed. You can go through the proposal HERE

We have also in pursuant of our vision, visited the Babies Home in Maiduguri, where we showed care and concern to the motherless children born into this lovely world. We have been with the patients in the VVF and Surgical words of the State Specialists Hospital, where we gave out both cash and material gifts to the patients.

We are fully involved in the reformation and rehabilitation of our prisons and prisoners. We have given out sewing machines and other materials worth hundreds of thousands of naira to the Nigeria Prison Services, Borno State Command. We are still acquiring other useful machines and materials for the prisons. It is our belief that the prison yards can be turned to centers of learning and skill acquisition.

Our commitment also manifests through social projects, community programs, symposia, seminars, conferences and general training of our members on major and relevant contemporary issues as we seek to ensure Godly configuration of contemporary thoughts, issues and policies among others.

Think of what you can do to help us fulfill our vision. If you want to help please


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